Hi, I’m Britta
Many women are crippled with anxiety and self-doubt. Despite messages and advice to support women, we still feel misunderstood and alone. I believe we are looking at the problem of anxiety incorrectly.
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Here’s a little known secret that will change how you see anxiety.
When it comes to anxiety, the conventional wisdom is learning how to “cope.” You are encouraged to manage it or fix it. Our method paints a picture of you being in a battle with anxiety and that you must fight your tension. This gives the impression there is something wrong with you.
To help, you look to this well-intentioned advice for relief. You try to make things better by reading books and listening to podcasts, but you still struggle with debilitating anxiety.
What if we are looking at it wrong?
Anxiety is your friend and has a purpose. When you listen more to why it is happening, it will make sense.
Contact Information
Britta Neinast, LCSW and Anxiety Expert
1143 E. Ireland Road, #1055, South Bend, IN 46614
Email: info@thetruthaboutanxiety.com