The Truth About Anxiety

Rethinking how we approach anxiety
STEP 1: Click to Begin

Hi, I’m Britta

Many women are crippled with anxiety and self-doubt. Despite the messages out there, we still feel misunderstood and alone. I believe the reason is because we’re looking at the problem wrong.


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Here’s a little known secret that will change how you see anxiety.

The dominant messages we teach about anxiety are that it’s something you need to “deal” with. It must be coped with, managed, controlled, or fixed. Our approach gives the impression of a battle, creating a picture of you against your anxiety.

With this well-meaning advice, you seek relief. You read books and listen to podcasts, trying to make it better, but you still struggle.

What if we’re looking at it wrong? Anxiety is there for a reason. When you take the time to listen, it will make sense.

Want to learn a different approach? Click the link below and let’s talk about it.

Contact Information

Britta Neinast, LCSW and Anxiety Expert

1143 E. Ireland Road, #1055, South Bend, IN 46614

